Do you want more money, less stress and greater financial security?

Most Christians have a poor relationship with money. They often think it’s bad, don’t have enough of it or are suspicious of those who do. But you weren't designed to live like this.

Get your free e-course

Learn how to stop the financial drain and partner with heaven for more-than-enough.

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    Alyn & AJ Jones

    Pastors & leaders at Grace Center

    Who are we?

    We know what it's like to be in debt and not have enough. Or to feel like you're doing everything right but still don't see breakthrough. Which is why we've spent the last five years developing a course based on the truths that God has been teaching us and that we've been living out of.

    What will you learn?

    • How to stop worrying about lack
    • How to partner with Heaven to live with more than enough
    • How to multiply your money
    • How to choose blessing instead of worry